20 February 2023

Endure All Things

 The Apostle Paul said a profound statement in one of his letters.....


That we should be willing to endure and suffer all things, lest we hinder the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:12).


The Good News of Jesus and His offer of Salvation should be proclaimed with all power, integrity, miracles, signs and wonders. It is the most important news in the world!


But tragically it can also be hindered, meaning it can be slowed down or made difficult for people to accept it. Not because the Gospel is faulty, or there is something wrong with the Message. But simply because of the messenger.


It is sobering to think that my life could hinder a non-Christian for wanting to pursue a relationship with God. How their eternal destiny is hugely influenced by my words, actions and lifestyle. 

Looking back on my life, I deeply regret the times I could have done better in my witness to others; when I was rude, impatient and self-righteous.


Throughout Church history, there have been many times the Gospel has sadly been rejected and ridiculed by unbelievers. The hypocrisy of the Dark Ages, the violence of the Crusades and the child abuse from the Catholic Church to name a few. I can not imagine anything more tragic.  


Other bible passages says our prayers can be hindered by treating others poorly (1 Peter 3:7), with wrong motives (James 4:3), or living a double life of sin (Psalm 66:18).


Our Christian witness is so important. It can be the difference between a precious soul going to Heaven or Hell for all Eternity.


The opposite of hinder is to facilitate, meaning to make easier and assist others. And this is what our lives should look like. To be above reproach and to live an inspiring Christian life in word and deed.


But what does it actually mean to endure all things? It is to endure when life is unfair. To stay faithful to your spouse and not give up on your marriage when times are tough. To have faith in God even when your circumstances are not going your way.


It is to love righteousness and hate wickedness. To show integrity in your workplace. To be a godly example to your family and children. To love your enemies and to forgive those who don’t deserve it. To not love the things of the world and be content with what you have, among many other attributes.


Yes, we should be willing to suffer all things, lest we hinder the gospel, because the stakes are so high.


How is your witness today?

13 December 2022

Trust the Process

I hate this season I am in right now.

Absolutely hate it. 

The 'parenting young toddlers' season of constant meltdowns and sickness. Then there is the daily frustration of toys everywhere that were just put away, food on the floor and complaining about everything. 

Oh, and bath time is when my twin girls have the need to splash as much water out of the bath as possible. They think it's a game and find it hilarious. Every. Single. Day. 

Abigail has been sick for 2 weeks. She gave it to mum who then gave it to Jasmine. I feel like I'm next in the firing line. 

Every morning it's on, non stop, the nursery run involves screaming fits when stuck in traffic. I'll admit I have lost it a few times. Its a miracle to get a full night sleep. Almost every night there is screaming and being kicked in the back in our bed. 

The repetition of doing the same tasks over and over again is brutal. I am a human slave; trying to juggle ten tasks at once, trying to look after everyone and then do it all over again the next day. 

Can you tell I'm frustrated? 

And what do I want to do? Run away. Far away to a nice, peaceful holiday by myself, anywhere with a beach and the sun. But that would be unfair and selfish. To leave when I am most needed at home. 

I struggle with the comparison trap, seeing other people happy and living the dream on social media while I am silently suffering. 

Trust the Process

I've heard the phrase before several times. It means to keep going when times are tough. Don't give up and have faith that you are getting stronger everyday. And when you look back you will see how far you have come mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

We don't grow when life is easy, sitting on a beach in Mexico drinking a pina colada. You grow the most during the HARDEST seasons of your life. 

James 1:2-4 says whenever you face trials of many kinds, it is building within you perseverance and strength. This can also build in valuable character and skill sets for life that can not come about any other way. 

You are stronger than you think you are - you just don't know it yet.

You are wiser than you think you are - you just have't discovered it yet. 

You are more capable than you think you are - you just haven't tapped into it yet. 

Whatever season you are in right now, trust the process, it will be worth it! 

13 June 2022

"You are familiar with all my ways..."

Do you realise that God knows everything about you...

He knows your thoughts and your desires. Your hope and your dreams. He knows your feelings, your fears and your pain. He also understands your anger and frustration. When you feel hurt, He feels it too. God is angry at the injustice you have experienced and is on your side.


Psalm 139:3 – You discern my going out and my lying down. You are familiar with all my ways…


Another version reads that God is “well acquainted with all your ways.


God knows what is best because He knows you better than you know yourself. He is familiar with your life as one inhabitating the same house where you live and sleeping in the same bed.


Job 31:4 – Does He not see my ways and count my every step?


God has counted all the hairs on your head (Matthew 10:30). Did you know that you have on average 100,000 hairs on your head at any one time? Absolutely nothing escapes His attention.


Neurologically speaking, science has found that thought patterns in the brain are very similar to grooves, like a well trodden dirt road. That is why our thoughts are so powerful and difficult to change! God knows your every thought pattern, millions of them. He knows your deepest secrets, motives and intentions. The hidden things that no one else can know. 


Psalm 139:2; 4 – You know when I sit down and when I rise up. You discern my thoughts from afar… Even before a word is on my tongue, O LORD you know it altogether.


God knows you perfectly, deeply and intimately. All the good, the bad and the unspeakable. And He loves you unconditionally and completely. Amazing!


Now you might think that a perfect and Holy God knowing someone’s worst character traits may cause Him to punish or condemn. But you would be completely wrong.


Scripture says, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Even when human nature was at its worst, in complete depravity, and put an innocent man to be crucified on a cross, God still loved us. But not so we could stay in the same condition, but to be forgiven of our sins, radically transformed and have a new nature.


Ezekiel 36:26 – And I will give you a new heart and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart.


Friend, it is time to let go of your need for control. It is time to stop fighting God and to surrender to His ways. His ways are so much better and He can be trusted completely.


I promise you will not regret it.

03 November 2021

A Fading Glory

Does anyone remember who won the gold medal of the 2000 Olympics men’s 100 metres sprint?

It was actually a guy called Maurice Greene from the United States. Apparently, he has a tattoo that reads “GOAT” - referring to his claim to be ‘Greatest of All Time’. In the previous year he had achieved a world record 100 metre time of 9.79 seconds, but this was beaten in 2009 by Usain Bolt who ran 9.58 seconds!

Statistically, Cristiano Ronaldo is the best football player, Tom Brady the most successful American quarterback, Bill Gates the best businessman and Jeff Bezos the richest billionaire. All have tasted glory multiple times. But it is a fading glory. It comes, lasts a few days or weeks, passes and then disappears. 

Sport stars or movie celebrities are generally only as popular as the present. Once they are injured, not successful or fail, they are no longer relevant or important. 

Yes, any accomplishment, title or status does bring with it a small taste of glory. It can be an intoxicating feeling of power and invincibility. When you feel on top of the world and you have people worshipping you in some capacity. 

Success can bring with it fame, riches and honour. Popularity and praise comes with success. But it is always short lived. Sure, it might last a few weeks, months or even several years. But eventually it becomes old news, or worse, completely forgotten. 

However, whatever you achieve today will be surpassed in the future. And any worldly glory you receive will eventually fade. I am sorry to say but in 100 years time it will likely be forgotten about.

Another word for glory is "eternal splendour." And God is the King of glory. His kingdom and glory endures forever. Part of our inheritance as children of God is sharing in God's glory. Amazing!

Revelation 4:11 says “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

God alone is worthy of glory because only He can handle it. Give it to a fallen man or woman and it will go straight to their head, fill them with pride and then later a mighty fall.

Anything we do for the Kingdom of God will last forever. In 1,000 years time, what you do to share your testimony with others, give to the poor, serve at church, being faithful and living a good witness will still be remembered.

Today, don't chase any fading glory for yourself. Give it all to the One who deserves it. 

23 February 2021

Throne of Grace

 I am delighted to post about my new book, Throne of Grace!


Are our prayers really heard in heaven? And if so what happens behind the scenes? Founded in biblical wisdom and timeless principles, this book will inspire your faith and trust in God’s infinite power and perfect timing.

Set in the 14th century, Throne of Grace is an inspiring allegory of Knight, a medieval peasant, who lives in the Kingdom of Georgia. From humble beginnings as a farmer to a fearless soldier in battle, discover how Knight takes the path less travelled on his adventure of faith. You will read about Knight’s impossible dream come true and the many friends, angels and enemies he encounters along the way. His life will motivate you to push past any setbacks and to believe for the impossible.

Throne of Grace explains what transpires in heaven when we pray and how God works as a result of our prayers. Using a backdrop of biblical themes and references, you will understand how God sees the end from the beginning to set you up for blessing. Among the key themes include the power of wisdom, the importance of right living, failure as a set up for success, the ripple effect of good deeds and much more.

Knight’s journey will inspire you to believe the dreams God has placed in your heart regardless of your background, qualifications or mistakes. And how character and faith are grown through adversity to mature and strengthen you to step into your destiny.

To order your copy please visit https://www.xlibris.com/en/bookstore/bookdetails/633583-throne-of-grace

26 September 2020


Have you ever had your heart broken? 

I have.

When you fall madly in love with someone special, you feel like the luckiest person in the world. Its hard to explain but its like touching heaven and time stands still.

Scientifically, dopamine is the chemical in the brain when we feel "drunk in love." And Oxytocin is released which causes immense bonding to another person. This explains why falling in love is such a supernatural experience! Over a prolonged period of time, soul ties are established; when your heart, mind and soul is attached to the one you love.

But then tragedy strikes and that special person closes the door and walk away on you unexpectedly. You feel like your world is imploding and the pain is unbearable. Only those who have experienced a heart break can truly understand the mixed range of painful emotions which come afterwards.

I was in a short relationship once to an amazing person in 2013. There were some wonderful moments and memories we shared, including dreams of a future together.

But we had one minor argument and she called it off the next day. It was sudden and devastating to say the least, so much so that it took almost two years for me to move on. I was inconsolable and in a deep depression for a long time. I don't like to ever talk about it to this day.

Did you know that God's heart also breaks? 1 John 4 says God is love and His love is unconditional. He loves every single human being and jealousy longs for us. But when we turn away and reject Him, His heart breaks too.

God's greatest gift was giving humanity a free will to choose to either love Him or reject Him. Love can not be forced or manipulated. It needs to be consensual, willing and sincere.

In 2017, statistics say that nearly 150,000 people die everyday. If just 1% of these was not a Christian and became forever separated from God, this would be 1,500 per day. In reality the percentage is likely much higher.

Just losing one person was devastating for me. I couldn't imagine tens of thousands, every single day. Priceless souls Jesus died for.

Its a good thing I am not God and have all knowledge and present in all places at once. I would have a meltdown after a few seconds.

Our everyday decisions also show our love for God. Is it consistently obedient, humble willing and sincere? Or is our loyalty divided, hypocritical and shallow?

Only we truly know.

This only magnifies how GREAT a love God has for us. That His love is perfect and unconditional, willing to forgive and desires to bless us continually.

Psalm 136 repeats the words, "His love endures forever" twenty-six times, in between praises of all God has done for us.

How true it is. 

23 January 2017

Good Success vs Bad Success

Is there such a thing of ‘bad success’?

It sounds like an oxymoron, like cleaning dirt. Why would anyone come up with such a concept? Does it really matter and what does it mean to have bad success? These are the thoughts that have plagued my mind recently at the start of twenty-seventeen.

Everyone wants to be successful but success at the expense of integrity and rooted in selfishness will never last long. Too many shortcuts and ignoring the advice of trusted counsellors and bad success will eventually do more harm than good.

Luke 9:25 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world and yet forfeit their own soul?

Good success can be completing high school, earning a degree, or marrying your best friend. Then there is learning a trade, getting out of your comfort zone, travelling the world, helping a stranger and committing to eating heathy.  Any form of positive learning, growing, responsibility and investment can be termed as good success.

Bad success can be the promotion at the expense of close friends, finances over family, or that hobby at the cost of time a relationship. Too much power, sex and money have led many a man to ruin.

Bad success is what leads to addictions, broken relationships and self destruction. Investing too much time in talent over character will eventually result in the talent leading you to a place your character will never be able to support you.

A father can be a great provider for his family as a workaholic, but starve them of valuable time and attention. Perhaps the greatest struggle of our generation currently is the obsession of social media, which is leading to proven cases of isolation and mental health at an alarming rate.

As a Christian, good success is living a life that honours Christ, which seeks first the Kingdom of God and looks to the needs of others. Disciplining our time in prayer, scripture, worship and church community is not just a good idea or recommendation; Jesus warned against us gaining the things of this world at the expense of our soul, the greatest loss we could ever lose!

Any pursuit at the expense of your character, relationships, health or faith can be deemed not only bad success but dangerous success. Some things in life are priceless and should be guarded at all costs, irrespective of the culture around us.

Our time, attention and priorities determine what we choose to value most in life. Choose today to be focused on only good success for your life. You won’t regret it.